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Moose Pass UMC

Moose Pass UMC is located on Depot Road in Moose Pass, Alaska -- one of the most Alaskan-sounding town names.


We worship at 5 PM throughout the winter months. But, from late may until September we worship at 9 AM so we can enjoy the rest of the day that the Lord has made.


Everyone is invited to worship. Everyone is invited to come to the communion table (which is most every week). And everyone is invited to participate, fully, in the life of the congregation. As is often said before communion, "All persons are welcome to receive. It doesn't matter where you come from or where you're going to. All this is God's free gift to you.


And so, yes, you are welcome here. We won't be concerned about what you're wearing or what baggage you bring.


On a normal Sunday we'll have 10 or fewer people gathered for worship so it's a very intimate worship space...almost like a small group meeting. The folks here care about each other and they warmly receive all those who would join them.


Plus, it's in in one of the most beautiful settings for a church...anwhere.


Come and join us on a Sunday morning to see what Christ is doing among us. 


See a map below.

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